Blackberry, Pomegranate lemonade. Just like any juice, the flavor profile changes with the amount of steep time, means of mixing (mag stirrer for me x2 hrs) ohms/wattage. I only use unregulated mech mods so your mileage may vary. This is a palette cleanser and an all day vape as well. ALSO THIS IS A SHAKE AND VAPE JUICE BUT THE CAP POM WILL NOT POP TILL YOU GIVE IT SOME TIME and OPTIONAL INGREDIENT: CAP Super sweet @ no more than 3% UNLESS YOU LIKE CLEANING COILS...
mg / ml
mg / ml
* Drop calculation assumes 20 drops = 1ml. This may not be perfectly accurate. Just use caution and common sense.
Sanch recommends you let this e-juice recipe steep for: 24.0 hours

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