mg / ml
mg / ml
* Drop calculation assumes 20 drops = 1ml. This may not be perfectly accurate. Just use caution and common sense.
Lowkey recommends you let this e-juice recipe steep for: 8.0 hours

E-Liquid Recipe Reviews

Review by 1 year ago
Just whipped some up yesturday, Smell is at 100% bUT the taste Is deff not for me.
Review by 8 years ago
I'm not sure about the negative reviews, I thought this turned out amazing. It wasn't perfect, but was a great starting point for a few tweaks. Made 10 mL of this a few hours ago, and it's already awesome. In all fairness, I did make a few adjustments: I didn't have any rum so I skipped that, and I was out of custard flavor so I used about 0.7 mL of pre-made vanilla custard e-juice instead (basically the same thing), and I used Flavor West Marachino Cherry since I didn't have it in TFA. I added 5 drops Chocolate (Clear)(TFA), and a few drops of sweetener to bring out the chocolate flavor and add a bit of sweetness. Later, I added a few drops each of Yellow Cake and Graham Cracker, just to see the effect. Maybe people just need to learn how to tweak recipes to their taste. Taste is subjective, after all, and recipes are really more of a guideline. Lowkey, great job. I was looking for a chocolate cake recipe, and this fit my taste perfectly.
Review by 8 years ago
I'm sorry, this was a good idea for a flavor, but it's literally so bad. No matter how long you let it steep or what pg/vg ratio you use, this flavor combination is terrible. I normally wouldn't discourage people who are making recipes by giving a bad review, but because the flavor itself sounds so good and the actual cost of acquiring all these flavorings is relatively high because there are so many of them, I feel people really need to know the truth. Not only is the flavor awful, but it makes you feel like your vaping burning/spoiled juice. And afterwords, you either need to change your coul if your tank requires bought could, or rewick your coul if you use an rta/rba.
Review by 8 years ago
Horrible sorry, total % flavouring way too high.
Review by 8 years ago
Sounds delicious can't wait to get started on it
Review by 8 years ago


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