Coffee E-Liquid Recipes

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Posted 10 years ago by smathews
Based on 1 review
Posted 10 years ago by Grimiku
this is still a work in progress. I think the coffee is still a little strong. I'll cut the coffe...
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Posted 10 years ago by shz
Very light coffee flavor with a nice french vanilla aftertaste... could vape on this all day
Based on 1 review
Posted 10 years ago by FXOfrequency
Caramel Frappe
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Posted 7 years ago by lindajd
Based on 2 reviews
Posted 8 years ago by cmusto
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Posted 10 years ago by SirRobin701
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Posted 10 years ago by Arkitas
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Posted 10 years ago by coolpoopoo
Badass coffee flavor with notes of chocolate and hazelnut.
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Posted 7 years ago by csbaker
Flavor added to a 12 mg base (no other dilutants, despite what the recipe may say). At 6,2,2 the ...
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Posted 10 years ago by astroorion
This recipe is not my own and has adapted from this site and others to suit my nicotine level and...
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Posted 10 years ago by tumescentpie
To make the DIY coffee extract: One measure of ground coffee in a 60 ml specimen container, top u...
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Posted 10 years ago by Liquid-Nazgul
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Posted 10 years ago by moletrap
This recipe has not been reviewed yet
Posted 6 years ago by 62576