Test E-Liquid Recipes

Stronger banana milk than v1 which was very tame
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Posted 3 years ago by taralyn
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Posted 7 years ago by bradthomas
only test flavor
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Posted 7 years ago by alpa
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Posted 8 years ago by silars
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Posted 10 years ago by optimizeprime
trying to recreate the tabacco I used to smoke (golden virginia) ... failure... taste ok, but has...
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Posted 10 years ago by VanCaspel
few drops em and some more VG added in end
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Posted 10 years ago by Tranceh
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Posted 10 years ago by ottersareneat
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Posted 10 years ago by bjppugs
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Posted 10 years ago by BlizzDavidKim
Cloud9 - cappuccino - Almound - VG based NEAT54 - VG / PG
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Posted 10 years ago by NKspartan
A milk and honey recipe I found online. Trying it out.
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Posted 9 years ago by chuckcloudz
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Posted 8 years ago by jacko2x
This recipe has not been reviewed yet
Posted 10 years ago by kaelaris
Test #3
Based on 1 review
Posted 8 years ago by vogel
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Posted 10 years ago by Siliticx